Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Remembered every single time I used to be..
Learned every single way to be the best..
Believed in everything I need to believe..
Tried to be strong in every kind of situations..
The Old me stared at me and smile...
She whispered me "You deserved it"
And I know I deserve it...

I am the ruler of my own life..
I am the leader of my destiny..
I am the warrior of my problems..
I am the lady outside the box..

I create my own movie of life..
I choose my own actors and actress..
I write my own script..

No one can't hold me back..
I am ready to run...
I am ready to jump...
I am ready to fly...
I will pick up the star and put it on my pocket..
I will bring the sun and keep it for me..
I will get the moon and give it to my mom..

I am me...

Because God always be with me...

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